Blending comprehensive analysis with captivating storytelling, your white paper writer will craft the asset thanks to his or her experience being fully immersed in not just your industry, but your organisation’s messaging.


White papers establish your brand as a thought leader in ways a traditional blog post cannot. They use carefully written content formatted into a polished white paper template to demonstrate subject matter expertise for prospective customers. These deeper-funnel assets are effective for lead nurturing and sales enablement, but they can just as easily be used for content marketing lead generation.

To begin, your content writer will work with you, your strategist and your project manager to nail down your target audience and build a topic around them and the actions you want them to take. Before writing begins, your writer will research the intricacies of your industry and your place in it. This may include interviews with subject matter experts on your staff or others who can provide insight regarding news, trends or specific products and services.

Next comes the white paper researching phase. To write a white paper that delivers real value and insight to prospects, your content writer must thoroughly investigate recommended information sources and established industry authorities. Data collection and analysis is also used to inform writing. Research and analytics demonstrate your brand’s dedication to hard facts that back up assertions. White paper content must reflect an expert understanding of the target audience and provide actionable thought leadership that they cannot find elsewhere.

Your white paper writer will then put his or her content marketing expertise to use, implementing journalistic, business writing and creative writing best practices along with proven marketing methodology. You will be able to examine a first draft and provide feedback regarding edits, ideas or suggestions. This feedback will be incorporated into the white paper before it is sent to Brafton graphic designers for formatting.

Finally, a Brafton copywriter will write dedicated landing-page copy that is optimised to make your thought-leadership content easier to find on search engines. As part of our writing service, we can also create promotional content such as blog posts, email copy and social media posts that help get more eyes on your expertly crafted white paper copy.

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