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    Blog retrospective: A look at Brafton’s top 15 performing articles from 2018


    We identified our top five 2018 articles in each category: organic traffic, social shares and referring domains. What made these 15 articles in total “the best”? We investigate.

    Data-driven content marketing: The sole source of ROI in 2019


    How to use data to your advantage at every stage of the strategy and content creation process.

    4 SEM tools you should be using already


    A good SEM campaign will bring you valuable leads. To build an effective one, you need a strong set of SEM tools on your side.

    Why and how to create a marketing scorecard


    A scorecard helps content marketers analyze the key elements that resonate with their audience, and repeat success with each piece.

    The top 25 SEO website analysis tools of 2019 (with examples)


    You can’t do marketing without tools. Check out some of the best SEO website analysis tools on the market and how they can propel your brand forward in 2018.

    5 metrics to measure your B2B content marketing ROI


    Determining the ROI of your B2B content marketing campaign helps you truly understand what’s effective, what’s lackluster and what to adjust moving forward.

    How to measure content marketing ROI


    Updated 2/22/18 There are a million wrong ways to measure the return on your content marketing program, and only a few right ways. Unfortunately, vanity metrics still dominate the field, […]

    This is how content marketing is supposed to work (video)


    Content marketing fails because most people don’t understand visitor intent. Matching the right type of content to visitor intent is your key to successful content marketing.

    A positively easy technique for measuring content marketing [success story]


    We live in a world that is data-rich and information-poor. I’m talking to you, Mr. or Ms. Executive. I’m telling you that your pretty dashboard is good for one thing: […]